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Living with arthritis - Tips

If you suffer from arthritis you should exercise.

Arthritis and gout patients should be physically active to help maintain and preserve joint function as long as possible. Gym and aerobic training, swimming and cycling are good forms of exercise that can strengthen joints, ligaments and muscles around the joints.

Warming up and stretching is important.

Warming up and stretching should constitute a large part of the training program. The warming up increases increased blood flow to muscles and joints, which in itself can ease the pain connected with the training program.

During the warming up phase it is good to stretch dynamically which are small and soft movements, stretching the muscles more and more. - Avoid making a hard or fast twitch.

With dynamic stretching the tissue around the joints become smoother and more flexible.

Stretching helps the muscles remain elongated and not contract.

Your diet affects your arthitis

Your life style is not insignificant for your arthritis cycle. Healthy lifestyles can not do it alone but it is very important to maintain a diet as healthy as possible. This refers to the energy enhancing and non energy enhancing nutrients. Energizing nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Non-energy enhancing substances are vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

 Lots of protein

Rheumatic diseases are consuming diseases, meaning that when there is active disease tissue is degraded, while the body at the same time is trying to rebuild new tissue. This process demands the availability of nutrients and especially proteins should constitute a large part of the diet during such periods.

Dietary supplements for arthritic patients.

In order to support the diet it may be appropriate to take a food supplements. Arthritis patients need copious amounts of antioxidants. Free radicals are formed in the body all the time, but even more so when you suffer from a chronic illness. These are substances that can interfere with the natural chemical processes taking place in the body. Lifestyle also means much for the production and release of free radicals in the body. Consumption of coffee, alcohol and smoking enhances the formation of harmful free radicals in the body. Antioxidants are the substances which clean up and remove waste substances in the body and natural antioxiydants are supplied by foods such as vegetables and fruits.   


Ginger has been known for years as a means for strengthening all tissues in the body and especially musculoskeletal tissues. Boswellia serrata, which is the resin from the tree, is a widely used supplement to boost the body's joints. It has also shown to have inflammation-inhibiting effect in the body.

Drink lots of water

Drinking water is essential to get the full benefit of what you consume, and to cleanse the body properly. Consume minimum 2 liters of water a day excluding the consumption of tea, coffee and alcohol.

Contact to your doctor and the surroundings

To be diagnosed with a chronic rheumatic disease is often very anxiety provoking, as, for your doctor, it is often difficult or impossible to predict anything about the disease process in the individual patient. Informative close contact between doctor, patient and relatives is very important. Fear of disease can be quite debilitating in itself and open dialogue is important.

In addition to good contacts with ones own doctor or a Rheumatologist (arthritis specialist), it is important that the family and close connections also be informed about how the disease develops. A good conversation can often ease a little of the mental load it can be to suffer from a chronic and incurable disease. Tell relatives and colleagues about your condition. Just to to talk can often make a difference!

Your life with your arthritis or gout

Although it is a chronic disease, we can learn to live, and live well, with it.
  • Find out what support tools you need. Most municipalities have aid centers, supplying support tools. However, it should be recommended by your own doctor or a Rheumatologist.
  • Live healthy and varied, drink plenty of water and make some good strengthening exercises each day.
  • Do some things in your daily life that are good for you. Find your own small interval between everyday activities; they can make the big difference.
  • When you have a disease, it is important to equip the psyche and take good care of yourself!


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